So, it's finally here. The day has come. In this case, I guess I should say "the night" has come. I am sitting in my aunts home in Chicago, IL waiting for the morning to finally arrive so my lovely mother can drive me to O'Hare International Airport, where I will finally depart for SEVILLA, SPAIN, after months and months of preparation, progress, packing, and many teary goodbyes to friends and family.
The bags are packed. 3 of them, in total. One large, red, swiss gear suticase on wheels which will be checked for the duration of the flight; one small adidas duffel bag for my carry on; and my backpack, which will carry my laptop, book, magazines, and miscellaneous small things which didn't manage to find their way into my suitcase.
Surprisingly, the packing wasn't the hard part for me. It took me less than 3 days to narrow my choices down, and arrange and pack them properly into their locations. My high school English teacher, Ms. Gilman, was kind enough to let me borrow the swiss gear suitcase, meaning that I didn't have to go out and buy one for the trip. That woman is a Godsend.
The hard part so far has been realizing that this is all ACTUALLY HAPPENING. It is not a dream, folks! Despite how surreal it has felt to be telling people about my trip, tomorrow the dream will finally become reality. My roommates, boyfriend, and friends can attest to the fact that I spent many days crying over the details for this semester abroad. There were moments when I didn't think that it would be possible due to financial reasons, family reasons, and life in general just getting in the way of things, as it often tends to do.
But here I sit on the floor of the guest bedroom. Hours away from the moment that I have been waiting for my entire life....
Another fun fact that some of you may or may not know: I have never flown on a plane before. Yepp, you read that correctly. My first flight will be an 8 hour long trek across the Atlantic. Ridin' solo. Thankfully, another CMU student, Michele, will be going to Sevilla as well and we will be able to meet up in Chicago and fly on the same plane.
Airports bring up most of my concerns and anxieties for this trip, right now. The hard part of saying goodbye to my loved ones is over (except for when I have to hug my mother goodbye tomorrow at the airport--ON HER 55TH BIRTHDAY! Yes, I feel like a terrible daughter flying out on my mother AND my younger sister, Emily's, birthdays). Now, I just have to battle my way through the foreign land of the airport and try not to get lost in a sea of travelers or get pick-pocketed by someone. There's security, checking my bag, exchanging money, printing my boarding pass, finding the right terminal, and of course customs. If I can make it through all of that alone, it will be a miracle for someone with NO airport experience and no one by my side to help me along.
I could talk forever and ever about the emotions I am feeling. Nervous. Anxious. Excited. Sad.
I will keep you posted on when I land and how the flight goes. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Siempre en mis pensamientos,
Jenn <3