Wednesday, May 9, 2012

“The Final Countdown”

So the final countdown begins: I arrive home in one week from today! At 2:15pm, on Wednesday, May 16th, I will be landing in the beautiful city of Chicago at O’Hare International Airport!

However, between now and then, there is a lot to get done. I have three final exams, two of which are this Friday! Which means I will be spending the next two nights studying my butt off. Thankfully, my final term papers have already been turned in, so that’s a load off my mind. After Friday’s exams, I have the weekend, and then nothing on Monday, one last exam on Tuesday, and then home on Wednesday. I can’t even believe how fast the time has flown by.

Yesterday, I had my last day of tutoring with Reyes and Angela. They were so sweet and they made me cookies all by themselves without the help of their mom! So even though the cookies were a little burnt and crumbly, and tasted like too much oil had been added, I gladly let them fill my plate full of star, moon, and heart shaped cookies, and we ate them all with chocolate milk. After words, since it was the last day and I didn’t want to do anything too difficult with them, we just played Pictionary with vocabulary words that I had put on cards. They had fun trying to draw dragons and castles and princesses. It was sad to leave them, and their mom welcomed me back any time that I liked, and the girls said they didn’t want me to leave because I was like a big sister to them. I literally almost cried. I hate goodbyes in any form, and I know that this week, a lot of them are ahead. I am trying really hard not to think about it just yet.

Tonight, a group of girl friends and I are going to go to Cien Montaditos one last time for €1 Wednesdays. I am really going to miss that place! Such awesome and cheap food, ugh! They could really make a lot of money if they opened up in a college town. Along with that “last”, a list of other “lasts” to come this weekend are: Alcazar gardens visit, Plaza de Espana visit, tapas everywhere and anywhere, drinks by the river, discoteca Buddha, Triana Market, and just generally enjoying Sevilla and soaking it all up these last seven precious days! The weather is certainly telling us to go outside: 90 degrees and hot hot hot! Too bad we don’t have enough time to go to the beach one last time. Oh well, Lake Michigan will be just as welcoming (albeit cold) when I come home so soon.

Along with all the lasts, there is also one first: on Sunday evening, Ebony and I are going to a Bull Fight! Something that I am secretly terrified to do/see, but I know that the cultural significance for Spain is HUGE so I want to see one for that reason. Wish those poor torros some suerte, por favor!

I am jealous that everyone at home is done with exams, you lucky ducks! Throw some suerte my way, while you’re at it with the torros!
